Online Poker in Rhode Island

The Ocean State

Regulated Online Poker Rhode Island. Rhode Islands Lottery Director Gerald S. Aubin sees the matter of regulated online poker as a legislative problem, but not as a moral or economic problem. He told the Providence Journal that he thinks that regulated online poker would bring in revenue, but that it would need a statewide vote to implement it, because a change to the state's constitution is required. Considering that one third of Rhode Island's budget is paid for by gambling it would be a surprise if such a referendum wouldn't pass. All in all, we will probably see regulated online poker in Rhode Island some day, but it might take a while. Not only is it because of the legal matter, but also because of the necessity of joining an interstate network to make regulated online poker worthwhile.

Online Poker Status
    Regulated online poker is under consideration in this state
Population 21 or older 0.7 Million
Proportion of total US population 0.35%
Live Poker Yes
Estimated year for online regulation 2017
Probability - Interstate agreement 95%

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